Col·legi Oficial de Metges de Lleida
Agenda col·legial

« Tots els Esdeveniments


17/10/2023 @ 17:45 - 19:15


The course will focus on a variety of topics using written and audio-visual materials. The approach will be practical, with an emphasis on oral and listening skills, and the aim of improving the ability to express feelings, develop ideas, explain events and more.

Students are expected to participate actively in class, asking and answering questions and providing explanations in a supportive environment.

Formal writing is also an important part of the course as students may be interested in writing and publishing academic papers.

The target level of English is the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (C1).

  • A qui va dirigit el curs: col·legiats i familiars
  • Hores totals del curs: 46.50 h.
  • Horari del curs: dimarts, 17.45 a 19.15
  • Número màxim assistents :15
  • Modalitat del curs: online
  • Preu matrícula :250€
  • Docent : Teresa López

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